"I came to Men's Pilates as a fit 60+ year old, who had progressively creaking hips, knees and back. I don't suffer those ailments any more and feel so much more flexible with doing the classes with Rebecca.
All through the Covid pandemic the online classes have been brilliant. Excellent friendly support from Rebecca"
"I love Rebecca’s classes.
Each class follows one of the Pilates’ principles and the exercises we attempt complement that. Rebecca is a natural teacher, always encouraging and considerate, tailoring each exercise to suit the individual’s ability. I also love that she gives you alternative exercises to do , if you have a weakness( in my case.. knees!) but they achieve the same result.. The class goes so quickly, I am always surprised when it ends. All round, a brilliant workout.
The classes are interesting and varied - that is important because I get bored with repetitive routines. I have had minor back problems and tight hamstrings for decades. The body feels better and I try and use some of the exercises in mini sessions at home and generally in my approach to a lot of what I do in everyday life. Regular tennis, taking care with simple warming up and warming down afterwards, is better than it has been for many years because there are no back problems afterwards.
I attend a class for older blokes! We all have our issues with bodily limitations. Rebecca takes a lot of care to tailor the exercises on an individual basis as needs be. No hesitation in strongly recommending the classes and Rebecca as a top teacher.
I really enjoy Rebecca's classes, they are effective and there is good variety of movements and focus each week. Rebecca is a great instructor with plenty of experience and she guides you through the moves thoroughly so that you're keeping safe. A thumbs up from me!
A professional and very helpful instructor, make our classes enjoyable - don’t be fooled though, you work hard even if you don’t realise it!